“Yoga helped me connect with my baby and really embrace the whole pregnancy. I absolutely loved being pregnant and I really think the yoga classes helped with this. The classes incorporated birthing techniques which really helped me relax during pregnancy and remain positive and focused on the outcome that I wanted. I also liked the catch up each week. This enabled me to off load a little and gain advice from other ladies or just a listening ear. It was also nice to listen to others and their experiences as well as share my own”
My classes are designed whether you’ve practiced yoga in the past or not. They are safe for mum and baby, they’re relaxing and friendly and will give you much deserved TIME FOR YOU. These classes will give you time to connect with your unborn baby and you’ll also have time to connect with other expectant mums.
You’ll enjoy gentle and strong movements designed to ease aches and various pregnancy ailments. I will share expertise to encourage your baby into a good position and birth advice and tips.
“I managed to use the visualisation techniques during labor and really think it lead to an amazing birth! Clare – honestly your enthusiasm for a relaxed, calm & natural labor really helped me with mine, I felt that you’d been there and found you sharing your preparation techniques helped me with mine.”
I will ensure you understand why RELAXATION, BREATH, GRAVITY, MOVEMENT and your MIND are your best friends in birth. This doesn’t mean I’m an advocate for drug free, “natural” or “vaginal births,” however I believe a better awareness of the design of our body can make a difference to how we feel about approaching birth.
“Pregnancy yoga was really helpful during labour! It enabled be to be confident in my labour, helped with birthing positions and breathing techniques for pain relief. It was a time each week to myself where I could relax. After a few weeks of the classes my back pain in pregnancy subsided too and making sure my pelvis was well aligned was a big part of that.”
So, if you’d like to feel more comfortable in pregnancy, have time to relax in your busy week, if you’d like to gain trust in your body and your capabilities and if you’d like to learn more about birth and connect with other fabulous women then book a place via The Well in South Hanningfield.
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