Hello Lovely,
Traumatic Birth Recovery is a process using the Rewind technique and is effective at any point after the birth of your baby, it could be years down the line. If you’re experiencing symptoms of PTSD since the birth of your baby I can help turn the dial down on those symptoms and feelings in just three sessions.
- Have you experienced a traumatic birth experience?
- Are you still trying to come to terms with what happened?
- Are you still feeling impacted on a regular basis because of the traumatic event during your birth?
If so the 3 Step Rewind technique with me may be able to help you disassociate all the emotions and feelings you have related to this traumatic event so that you can move forward feeling free of the experience, happier to speak about your birth and without feeling the symptoms and upset you’re currently going through or trying to avoid.
Birth Trauma Recovery
The symptoms experienced by someone that has gone through something traumatic can be distressing day to day. A traumatic birth experience can trigger emotions and symptoms long after the birth, in some cases months and years later, feelings may present themselves again during another pregnancy.
Symptoms from a traumatic experience can range from constantly replaying of the event, avoiding the memory, hyper vigilance, anxiety and anger. Sleeplessness, flashbacks, heightened arousal and in some cases a feeling of helplessness.
Some mothers that have experienced a traumatic birth and have these symptoms may potentially be misdiagnosed as having post natal depression.
The Birth Trauma Recovery Process is a 3 Step Process.
- Hearing your story (if you would like to tell it). Understanding the changes you would like to experience.
- Deep relaxation remembering the event in a specific way whilst feeling safe and secure
- Imagining coping in the future and responding differently
This technique has been proven time and time again to finally help women move on from their experience, sometimes years after the event.
Please contact me to arrange your first session or ask me any questions.
“After my traumatic birth experience with my first baby born at 34 weeks, and after spending two weeks in hospital from suffering a post trauma headache and baby being in ICU, my experience had left me with lots of anxiety and fear when finding out I was expecting again. After meeting Clare and hearing about the amazing service she could offer. Working with her 1-2-1 and learning techniques to overcome my fears, I was keen to get started. Clare is just the most amazing, beautiful lady who has completely changed the way I think and feel about my first birth experience and has even given me the gift to be excited about my next birth. Her gentle and calm voice helped me to relax and I wish I could take her with me to the delivery room! I will never forget my first experience but I can now see that it wasn’t all the traumatic experience that I thought it was. I have had to face fears that I still held onto, and the work Clare has done with me really gave me the coping skills to face them. After finishing the sessions and attending an appointment at the hospital, I couldn’t believe that I faced my fears and it wasn’t anywhere as scary as I believe it would have been if I had not been through the birth trauma sessions. I am truly blessed to have met and worked with Clare and cannot thank her or recommend her enough. She truly is amazing at what she does and if you have any worries or anxiety around your past experiences I can definitely say, give this a go you will definitely be amazed.”
Love Chloe x