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Yoga Ball in Pregnancy

A yoga ball suitable for pregnancy can offer such a great way to improve comfort, posture, alignment, it can help to get baby in an optimal position and it can be used during the birth process. I would always recommend one as a pregnancy ‘Must have’!

You can use a yoga ball to sit on instead of a chair at a desk or instead of the couch. This also means you won’t be slouching or curling up in a position which isn’t the best for your pelvis and alignment. Even something as simple as small pelvic tilts can help your pelvic floor and circling your hips can help ease aches in your lower back.

Ball Height – Your pregnancy yoga ball shouldn’t be too low, either have you knees in line with your hips or lower than your hips. If you haven’t used a yoga ball before and you’re concerned about it moving you can roll a towel and create a ring to go round the base, this will prevent it from moving so you can practice sitting on it to get you started.

The primary benefit of sitting on a yoga ball is it will immediately take the pressure off your back easing aches and discomfort and because you have to be balanced you will sit upright and your posture will improve instantly! This alignment can help with pelvic health too so combining the yoga ball with gentle pelvic tilts is a great start.

Pelvic Tilts – Spread your feet shoulder width apart while positioning your feet flat facing out. Slowly rock backwards and forwards, putting the weight first on your tailbone and then your pelvic area. 

For Odema/ Swollen feet or ankles – Whilst keeping your body still just sit and rock your feet so toes are on the floor then your heels are on the floor.

Rotate to dilate – Sit on the ball with your feet flat and then circle your hips in a hula hoop movement.

All fours – This is great for helping baby find a comfortable position away from your spine and taking pressure off your back. With your knees hip width apart on the floor and a flat back lean over the ball letting the ball support your weight. You could fold your arms over the ball too and our your head to the side, a great way to watch TV whilst taking care of your back and helping baby get into a good position!

Childs pose – Similar to the above however you can put your bottom on your heels and lean on the ball so your torso is tilted forward, place your forearms on the ball and grip elbows with your hands resting your head on your arms. This is a great way to help encourage baby away from the spine and to encourage baby into the better position for you.

Squats – You can use the yoga ball against the wall for squats. Put the Yoga Ball between your lower back and a wall and stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Line your feet up so as you squat they are in line with your knees and your hips are in line with your head. Squat and then push back up into a standing position.

Ball n Wall – Sit on the ball facing the wall stretching arms up high with palms flat to stretch your upper bodying ease shoulder tension or cross arms and rest your forehead on them. You could also do circles on the ball with your arms resting on the wall. This is great in labour as you can get into ‘your zone’ and block everything else out around you.

Also if you are using a ball and your birth partner is behind you whilst you are stationery it can be a great opportunity to receive a light touch massage from them!

There are so many ways to use the ball and this is just a few of them. By all means explore and see what else works for you. Not only can a ball be used in pregnancy and birth it could be used for your postnatal health too, so perhaps keep it handy!

If you ever feel light headed or unstable on the ball then you need to judge if its the right thing for you in that moment, if it ever feels uncomfortable for any reason, as with everything stop.

Enjoy all the benefits you can and enjoy!

Much love



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Pregnancy Yoga Classes

I run Pregnancy Yoga classes, however what I can do for you is more than just exercise, relaxation and showing you yoga moves that are suitable in pregnancy. I’ll tell you what postures and movements help with what.. Heartburn? No problem I can help ease that, swollen ankles, yes that too, achey back…. yep, I don’t know anyone that gets away without some kind of back ache or rib pain. Classes may help with that too!

That’s just the tip of the iceberg because I can give you so much more!

If you’re feeling anxious about your pregnancy or birth, my classes will make you feel calm and positive. If you’re nervous and doubt you can do it, yes, I know these feelings and with a lot of the stories we hear about birth it’s not surprising we may doubt ourselves, however I’m here to help you understand and believe in yourself, birth CAN be a positive experience. Regardless of the turns it may take, it’s about how you prepare.

Classes are also suitable for women planning caesareans, my classes will give you time to pause and make time for yourself. The focus on keeping you calm, relaxed and comfortable, always bringing you back to yourself and what your body is telling you is a huge boost to trusting in your instincts as a woman and a mother!

Why is birth preparation important?

You may have grown up hearing about birth from other people or learnt through watching dramatic scenes on TV that you’re waters will break and you have to make a frantic dash to the hospital or birth portrayed as a woman on her back screaming like a wild banshee.  Well, I’m here to tell you that actually you are perfectly designed to give birth, sometimes we need professional assistance in labour but your body and your baby KNOW what to do.

Ok so now I might be losing you a bit, but think of this. We are the only mammal not to trust our bodies and our instincts. WHY?  Because we have been led to believe all our lives birth is horrendous. A natural beautiful birth doesn’t make great television.  People share the bad experiences they’ve had, yet I wonder if they were given the opportunity for their birth to flow? Did they understand what their needs would be in birth and were they informed enough to know what would help them? Or perhaps they were scared or felt vulnerable so birth stopped and interventions were needed… Every birth is different, I get that but I want you to know that you can do this. I’m realistic and sometimes we need a helping hand and sometimes we have beautiful planned and unplanned caesareans. No matter what, you deserve a positive pregnancy and birth experience, your baby does too. It’s the best start you can give yourselves.

I can help ease your mind and give you the TRUTH about childbirth. The TRUTH about your body and how amazing it is.  I can give you the knowledge back that over generations and generations we’ve lost touch with.  You know what to do, your body knows what to do and my classes will help you tune back into that inner wisdom and listen to your body. Trusting yourself and your instincts will help you in motherhood and learning to listen to your body’s needs will help you postnatally.

If you have a planned or last minute caesarean the skills you will learn during classes can keep you calm and help you feel empowered about the decisions you make for yourself and your baby. All women should feel empowered, it sets us up for a much better fourth trimester with our babies and potentially moving beyond that too.

And why am I all for good starts? It can make such a difference to your arrival into motherhood. A crappy experience could leave you feeling depleted and prevent the natural flow of hormones that help you in those early days, weeks and months.

My first birth experience was crappy, I thought I got it but I totally didn’t. I did not understand enough. The knowledge I have now that I share in my classes could really help you be better informed and understand more about your body, my classes are more than yoga, there’s birth prep included – some of which may complement other classes you’re considering.

I know how it feels to go through a bad birth experience. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this. I CARE so much and this is why I retrained and left the corporate world.  I feel so strongly that I can help you and I will do everything I can to help as many women as possible have a positive pregnancy and a positive start on their journey with a new life.

My classes are unique, I can tailor them on the fly around what comes up that week for mums to be, I teach couples birth preparation so I have an abundance of knowledge, practical tips and resources for you to access through me.

I hope you decide to join classes with me and if not I still invite you to please prepare for a positive birthing experience. Get informed and practice whatever techniques will support you through this time.

Much Love, Clare xx

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A letter from a new born to their Mummy xx

Note: I’ve adapted this from a couple of my favourite versions.

Dear Mummy,

I know I’m fairly new to this world, and almost every moment is a new experience for me. While you seem more familiar with these surroundings, I know this is all brand-new for you as well. In fact, you may seem a bit overwhelmed, so I want you to know it’s going to be OK. We’re going to do just fine. I’m not as complicated as you might think – in fact, my needs are pretty simple so let me break it down as best I can.

• Your voice – please let me hear it. Whether you sing or talk, murmur or hum, I just love to hear the sound of your voice. It’s comforting and soothing, and it lets me know you’re here. Even if I don’t understand any of what you’re saying, I love it.

• Your body. I know your body changed a lot because of me, and I’m sure you’d like to change it back as quickly as you can now I’ve arrived. But, your softness is my happy place. You are my cuddles and hugs and the best place for me to sleep. In fact, I connect best with you, your skin touching my skin. I don’t understand a lot but the feel of you holding me is something I definitely know and crave. So, please don’t be so quick to let this go – or let me go. I love you the way you are – right now.

• I have one voice. Whether I’m tired, hungry, have a wet nappy or a tummy ache, I can only tell you with a cry. As I get older, I will learn new and different ways to express myself but for right now, it’s all I’ve got. So, please have patience with me – when you’ve just fed me and changed me I should be happy, but maybe now I’m cold. Or, I’m awake but not ready to be – and I can’t get myself back to sleep. I know I will try and test your patience and your energy level. Please bear with me.

• You are my everything. I need you. I can’t do anything on my own yet. While I know it’s selfish of me but you need to put me first for right now. I know you can do it, and when you have the opportunity, let other people help you out. If you trust them, I trust them and you don’t need to feel guilty about it. I don’t need you to be Super Mum, just my mum.

• Speaking of trust, I’m going to really test yours. Being a mum is hard and you’re going to worry and wonder if you’re doing the right things for me. Trust your instincts; you have them for a reason. Listen to advice, weigh options and opinions but in the end, I’m your baby, so you make the decision that’s best for me and you.

• Take care of yourself. Be mindful of what you eat and drink, your health, your emotional and physical wellbeing; yes, even your rest though I know that’s a bit ironic coming from me right now. I need you around – not just for today or this year but as long as is humanly possible

Lastly, I love you – no one can ever be who and what you are to me. 

Good luck, Mummy, I know you’ll do great!

Love always,


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An awesome birth…

It was a tale of two births….

This is the awesome birth.

Often people are quick to share their stories of birth if they haven’t gone well.  I understand this, it’s good to talk and release, it can help us to heal and we need to heal and show ourselves compassion.

However on the flip side those people that had a fantastic birth experience shy away from telling their birth stories, fear of coming across as smug perhaps? Concern over sharing and making another women feel negatively about her birth.  It’s a tough one because we need to hear and reinforce the way birth can be for a woman in a positive way.  We have different experiences based on our individual circumstances and in my case I had two very different births.

I’m going to start by sharing my second birth which was one of the best experiences of my entire life.  Yes THE BEST. Better than my wedding day, better than standing under a waterfall at Milford Sound in New Zealand.  THE BEST.

I knew what I was capable of.  I prepared and planned.  I gave it a lot of focus because my first birth experiences was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done and did not go well.

My contractions started around midnight, I thought I’d try to sleep still but I couldn’t so I told my husband I was going downstairs.  When he casually said “OK. let me know if you need me” and stayed in bed I took my first empowered action and said “Yes, I do, I want you with me”.  I wanted a very different experience to my first and I needed to know my birth partner was with me, physically and mentally.  If he’d stayed in bed I would have felt alone and unsupported, this birth needed to be different in every aspect.

We put a comedy on TV to watch to pass the time and keep my oxytocin flowing, in between I’d be breathing through contractions, hubby timed the contractions.  I was pretty tired so I put my headphones in and started listening to one of the relaxation tracks I’d been listening to every evening for the second half of my pregnancy. Within a few minutes lying on the sofa I was asleep.  Waking up at the end of the audio 50 minutes later! I’ve no idea if I was contracting or not, I was in a deep sleep however I suspect my whole body rested. As I woke up and started moving around contractions started again.

I was very aware that I wanted to remain moving, again something else I teach in my classes and I was also very aware that my son, then 3 years old was in bed asleep. I didn’t really want to give birth whilst he was in the house so I was quite happy with the pace labour was taking which was slow and steady.

After a while my husband suggested playing scrabble. I am a geek who loves scrabble! Haha! My oxytocin (love hormone) must’ve had a good surge at this point. “Yay! My hubby is a genius he must know me so well, I feel so loved, etc etc” So I continue to feel loved and like he’ll do anything for me… the best mindset to be in when it comes to our birth partner.  Labour continued, I’d pause playing the game when a contraction came, I was mostly on all fours using a dining chair to lean on, I would relax my entire body and breathe the gentle and powerful Golden Thread breathing technique I teach in my classes. I felt very in confident knowing what my body was doing and why and I had no doubts about what my body was capable of.

I’d like to note on record that despite being in labour I still won the game of scrabble and the words on the board seemed to be a reflection of the vibe I was channelling! 😉

This is the actual game! (N.B Womb, exit, quiet, golden, grace, jaws and hubby’s contribution – Tits!)

After scrabble I wanted another nap so again I put my headphones in and had another 50 minute nap on the sofa!

When I woke up, contractions became more intense I recall speaking to the midwife on the phone to say I’m going to need someone here soon. I’d tried to use a tens machine I’d borrowed only hubby had brought the wrong pads so instead of helping me like they had during my first labour I was getting an electric shock! Not helpful hubby, NOT helpful! Haha!  Luckily I went back to using my breath and I focused on my vision board, images and affirmations designed to encourage and help me.  I also had been gifted with a birthing pebble and a birthing necklace which was part of a ceremony and had a lot of significance.  This gave me knowledge of the connection I had with other women, those that had birthed before me and those that would birth in the future. I appreciate this bit may be a bit woo for you! Anyway it made me feel loved and supported, grounded and strong.

When I was entering transition and starting to get apprehensive, I made use of an homeopathic childbirth kit which someone had kindly lent to me, I’d looked at the kit a couple of times before and made a note of a few I thought I may need and why.  I started to take these based on what I was feeling, for example, fear or sudden doubt or worry about mine and my baby’s safety in labour.  It’s a great kit!

My son woke up and I was relieved because in the nicest possible way I wanted him out of the house so I would feel less inhibited.  I was holding my own progress back because I didn’t want to be concerned about him whilst in the last stages of labour. The plan was for hubby to drop him off with family so they could take him to nursery.  Lucky for us they live a couple of roads away.  Hubby told him his baby brother was coming today and that I was downstairs. He came down the stairs and said “Mummy is my baby brother coming today?” I said something like “Yes Sweetheart.” whilst breathing through another contraction.  He said “Ok, I love you mummy” and came over to give me a kiss. Man, my heart melts just thinking of that moment!

When hubby returned home 10 minutes later I told him he needed to start filling the birthing pool. He doubted me and thought it was too soon.  I was very firm and told him it wasn’t too soon and he needed to start filling it NOW.  I KNEW.  I KNEW WHAT MY BODY WAS TELLING ME. No one else can feel what you feel, I felt it was nearly time.  It takes a while to fill a birthing pool and I wanted to him to get started.

When the midwife came an hour or so later I was dehydrated as I hadn’t drunk enough so I drank water and within 30 minutes I went to the loo two or three times. The last time as I was crouched over the loo, an almighty ROWRRR sound came out of me, I felt myself fully dilate and I panicked thinking I was about to give birth to my baby in the downstairs loo!! The midwife made a quick call saying something that must’ve been code for “Someone get your arse here now or I’ll be delivering this baby on my own!” She was excellent, so professional and calm as my husband and I did the slowest shuffle into my dining room where the birthing pool was set up.

In the pool my head was mostly resting on the side as I was on all fours. Occasionally I had a wet flannel on my head to cool me down and a sip of water through a straw. I feel like the time I was in the birthing pool was about 20 minutes however it was over 2 hours. My husband was a constant support, telling me how amazing I was, telling me I could do this, I was doing so well etc

I’m not sure how to describe this time… it was intense, it was powerful, it was gentle, it was slow and calm, it was strong, it was hot!  It was incredible. I can’t say I gently breathed my baby down like some people might, yes I did “push”, it’s what my body wanted me to do. Other than the one primitive noise I made when I’d fully dilated the rest of the time I was just focused on my breathing, in through my nose and slowly out through my mouth.

The second midwife arrived at some point and was there right at the very end.  Perfect timing. The first midwife told me when he was nearly out and asked if I wanted to touch his him but I didn’t want to at that point, she said how wonderful he looked and how this was such a gentle amazing birth to watch. Shortly after he was out and I turned as he was scooped up and onto my chest.  He cried in my face and it was the best sound I’ve ever heard, I laughed and I cried.  I had done it and he was here. I loved him instantly, all the hormones were there I’d not had after my first birth. We had done it. I knew this was really special, I knew this is the kind of experience more women should have.

This August 2016. This was the birth experience that had healed my first.

I’m incredible proud of myself and the journey I went on before this wonderful experience. It’s all brought me where I am now and it has truly made me appreciate even more how women are courageous and how we have more power than we realise.  Not just in birth but in life.

So, wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people shared their empowering, positive, “I rocked my birth” kind of stories. What impact could that have on other generations of women that will give birth in the future? Instead of fearing birth we’re ready to embrace it alongside the knowledge we’ve sought to support that belief. We have innate wisdom yet we also need to tap into the ancient knowledge that our women folk would have passed down from generation to generation which we have lost in more recent times.  We are designed for birth. We are gentle warriors with so much untapped power.

Thank you for reading and I hope this inspires.

