ONLINE Women’s Circle 3rd Monday every month


Places available

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~ Sacred Mandala Womens Circle ~

Zoom Details will be sent on the day of the circle.

Additional Info:

Rushna and Clare wish to welcome you to The Sacred Mandala Women’s Circle.

With roots in tradition and ritual there will be releasing and holding space in the way that honours the sanctity of women in circle. The creation of sisterhood, support and empowerment.

Within each season we explore the appropriate female archetype planting seeds that each woman can choose to integrate. This circle will endeavour to assist women as they explore the inner and outer seasons and what divine feminine power means to them.

This circle is welcoming, from the heart and will become a sisterhood of strength and community as we remember our gifts and true nature.

If you would like to join us please contact Rushna or Clare for further information to book your space. Investment is £13. 

We look forward to welcoming you.

Much love 

Rushna and Clare



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