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Prayer for Humanity

May you be kind to yourself and others.

May you be healthy and happy.

May you take care of your body, mind and soul. Nourish them all.

May you love yourself, give and receive love willingly.

May you have your needs met, shelter, water, food.

May you have peace and love in your heart.

May you tune into your intuition, heart and gut and connect with you higher self. 

May you communicate lovingly and peacefully.

May you love our beautiful planet and her bounty.

May you take care of her, love her for giving you life and plenty.

May you honour all living things, their spirit. 

May you know your divinity and others.

May you know your sovereignty.

May you remember the gift of life. Honour it. Cherish it.

May you understand the power you hold, the mystery the universe holds and use it for good.

May you embody the light being you truly are.

Love and light shines bright. So it is. 


#liberty #freedom #sovereignty #peace #love #divinity #divinefemininerising #soulconscious #awakenedsoul

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We Only Have Time to Love

The World is round

Mother Earth is our guide and our teacher.

Here’s just one lesson. she gives us.. We are not separate and nor are we meant to be.  If you draw a line all the way around the Earth in any direction we have a circle. In a circle there is no top or bottom except for what we have labelled. 

WE have created lines that don’t really need to exist between countries. We have created divisions and we have accepted hierarchy. We have accepted the rules to divide us and we have accepted the information we have been fed for generations, hundreds of years, thousands. Everything designed to keep people in “their place” so others have power. Divide and conquer, manipulate and control.

As humans we have consciousness to decide how we want our life and our world to be. 

I’d like mine filled with curiosity, love, learning, diversity, stories and adventure and so much more. An open world which we all share peacefully and respectfully. 

There is no top or bottom. The sphere is round, it’s only what we have labelled it.

We have so little time, is it worth wasting it on anything other than love and compassion for ourselves and life?

With love




#reiki #reikimaster #universaltruth