I run Pregnancy Yoga classes, however what I can do for you is more than just exercise, relaxation and showing you yoga moves that are suitable in pregnancy. I’ll tell you what postures and movements help with what.. Heartburn? No problem I can help ease that, swollen ankles, yes that too, achey back…. yep, I don’t know anyone that gets away without some kind of back ache or rib pain. Classes may help with that too!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg because I can give you so much more!
If you’re feeling anxious about your pregnancy or birth, my classes will make you feel calm and positive. If you’re nervous and doubt you can do it, yes, I know these feelings and with a lot of the stories we hear about birth it’s not surprising we may doubt ourselves, however I’m here to help you understand and believe in yourself, birth CAN be a positive experience. Regardless of the turns it may take, it’s about how you prepare.
Classes are also suitable for women planning caesareans, my classes will give you time to pause and make time for yourself. The focus on keeping you calm, relaxed and comfortable, always bringing you back to yourself and what your body is telling you is a huge boost to trusting in your instincts as a woman and a mother!
Why is birth preparation important?
You may have grown up hearing about birth from other people or learnt through watching dramatic scenes on TV that you’re waters will break and you have to make a frantic dash to the hospital or birth portrayed as a woman on her back screaming like a wild banshee. Well, I’m here to tell you that actually you are perfectly designed to give birth, sometimes we need professional assistance in labour but your body and your baby KNOW what to do.
Ok so now I might be losing you a bit, but think of this. We are the only mammal not to trust our bodies and our instincts. WHY? Because we have been led to believe all our lives birth is horrendous. A natural beautiful birth doesn’t make great television. People share the bad experiences they’ve had, yet I wonder if they were given the opportunity for their birth to flow? Did they understand what their needs would be in birth and were they informed enough to know what would help them? Or perhaps they were scared or felt vulnerable so birth stopped and interventions were needed… Every birth is different, I get that but I want you to know that you can do this. I’m realistic and sometimes we need a helping hand and sometimes we have beautiful planned and unplanned caesareans. No matter what, you deserve a positive pregnancy and birth experience, your baby does too. It’s the best start you can give yourselves.
I can help ease your mind and give you the TRUTH about childbirth. The TRUTH about your body and how amazing it is. I can give you the knowledge back that over generations and generations we’ve lost touch with. You know what to do, your body knows what to do and my classes will help you tune back into that inner wisdom and listen to your body. Trusting yourself and your instincts will help you in motherhood and learning to listen to your body’s needs will help you postnatally.
If you have a planned or last minute caesarean the skills you will learn during classes can keep you calm and help you feel empowered about the decisions you make for yourself and your baby. All women should feel empowered, it sets us up for a much better fourth trimester with our babies and potentially moving beyond that too.
And why am I all for good starts? It can make such a difference to your arrival into motherhood. A crappy experience could leave you feeling depleted and prevent the natural flow of hormones that help you in those early days, weeks and months.
My first birth experience was crappy, I thought I got it but I totally didn’t. I did not understand enough. The knowledge I have now that I share in my classes could really help you be better informed and understand more about your body, my classes are more than yoga, there’s birth prep included – some of which may complement other classes you’re considering.
I know how it feels to go through a bad birth experience. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this. I CARE so much and this is why I retrained and left the corporate world. I feel so strongly that I can help you and I will do everything I can to help as many women as possible have a positive pregnancy and a positive start on their journey with a new life.
My classes are unique, I can tailor them on the fly around what comes up that week for mums to be, I teach couples birth preparation so I have an abundance of knowledge, practical tips and resources for you to access through me.
I hope you decide to join classes with me and if not I still invite you to please prepare for a positive birthing experience. Get informed and practice whatever techniques will support you through this time.
Much Love, Clare xx