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Yoga Ball in Pregnancy

A yoga ball suitable for pregnancy can offer such a great way to improve comfort, posture, alignment, it can help to get baby in an optimal position and it can be used during the birth process. I would always recommend one as a pregnancy ‘Must have’!

You can use a yoga ball to sit on instead of a chair at a desk or instead of the couch. This also means you won’t be slouching or curling up in a position which isn’t the best for your pelvis and alignment. Even something as simple as small pelvic tilts can help your pelvic floor and circling your hips can help ease aches in your lower back.

Ball Height – Your pregnancy yoga ball shouldn’t be too low, either have you knees in line with your hips or lower than your hips. If you haven’t used a yoga ball before and you’re concerned about it moving you can roll a towel and create a ring to go round the base, this will prevent it from moving so you can practice sitting on it to get you started.

The primary benefit of sitting on a yoga ball is it will immediately take the pressure off your back easing aches and discomfort and because you have to be balanced you will sit upright and your posture will improve instantly! This alignment can help with pelvic health too so combining the yoga ball with gentle pelvic tilts is a great start.

Pelvic Tilts – Spread your feet shoulder width apart while positioning your feet flat facing out. Slowly rock backwards and forwards, putting the weight first on your tailbone and then your pelvic area. 

For Odema/ Swollen feet or ankles – Whilst keeping your body still just sit and rock your feet so toes are on the floor then your heels are on the floor.

Rotate to dilate – Sit on the ball with your feet flat and then circle your hips in a hula hoop movement.

All fours – This is great for helping baby find a comfortable position away from your spine and taking pressure off your back. With your knees hip width apart on the floor and a flat back lean over the ball letting the ball support your weight. You could fold your arms over the ball too and our your head to the side, a great way to watch TV whilst taking care of your back and helping baby get into a good position!

Childs pose – Similar to the above however you can put your bottom on your heels and lean on the ball so your torso is tilted forward, place your forearms on the ball and grip elbows with your hands resting your head on your arms. This is a great way to help encourage baby away from the spine and to encourage baby into the better position for you.

Squats – You can use the yoga ball against the wall for squats. Put the Yoga Ball between your lower back and a wall and stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Line your feet up so as you squat they are in line with your knees and your hips are in line with your head. Squat and then push back up into a standing position.

Ball n Wall – Sit on the ball facing the wall stretching arms up high with palms flat to stretch your upper bodying ease shoulder tension or cross arms and rest your forehead on them. You could also do circles on the ball with your arms resting on the wall. This is great in labour as you can get into ‘your zone’ and block everything else out around you.

Also if you are using a ball and your birth partner is behind you whilst you are stationery it can be a great opportunity to receive a light touch massage from them!

There are so many ways to use the ball and this is just a few of them. By all means explore and see what else works for you. Not only can a ball be used in pregnancy and birth it could be used for your postnatal health too, so perhaps keep it handy!

If you ever feel light headed or unstable on the ball then you need to judge if its the right thing for you in that moment, if it ever feels uncomfortable for any reason, as with everything stop.

Enjoy all the benefits you can and enjoy!

Much love



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You Don’t Know Me

KnowMe, poetry

A friendly face

A welcome smile 

‘Gentle’, ‘nice’ how it riled

What they see as kindness;

Interpretation ’soft’

No clue of the strength her pain made her steel

Not weakness, resilience she learnt

Wisdom; seeds grown in her own pit of darkness

The Unnurtured, nurturing, 

Rising above, starting from nothing

With real eyes see what she’s become

Beyond the surface a courageous soul

Standing up, again and again when life took its toll

The care and healing she bestows

A gift of her own alchemy flows

What you see isn’t what you get

The fire in her burns stronger and yet

Sometimes all she wants is to be held, be free, safe, 

To be heard without judgement

At her own pace

Other times her body enflamed 

A burning desire to run and seek life

Explore, claim, before it’s too late 

There’s more to this woman than meets the eye

A feisty minx, fun, powerful, untamed

Cross her and you’ll be sure to know

Sit with her and she’ll help you grow

Her chest beating wildly

The passion, the drive 

Trying to live as though it’s her last joy ride

Making mistakes, learning fast

You think you know her, its just the start

She’s all of these things, more still

to reveal

An enchantress, a warrior, a lioness heart

As always words are my own. 

Much love beautiful souls 🙏✨💚✨ 


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The Void

Entering a void 

A vacuum 

Space to dwell

Room to move

Headspace clear

A blank canvas ahead

For a moment terrifying 

Courage to explore

Courage to dream

Courage to take action despite the black hole of uncertainty 

What will come?

What inspiration? 


What’s next to create?

Answers are in the void

Be open to receive, 

Above all else, believe.


Much love, enjoy the pauses in life when you have them and see what happens when you surrender to stillness. 

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Prayer for Humanity

May you be kind to yourself and others.

May you be healthy and happy.

May you take care of your body, mind and soul. Nourish them all.

May you love yourself, give and receive love willingly.

May you have your needs met, shelter, water, food.

May you have peace and love in your heart.

May you tune into your intuition, heart and gut and connect with you higher self. 

May you communicate lovingly and peacefully.

May you love our beautiful planet and her bounty.

May you take care of her, love her for giving you life and plenty.

May you honour all living things, their spirit. 

May you know your divinity and others.

May you know your sovereignty.

May you remember the gift of life. Honour it. Cherish it.

May you understand the power you hold, the mystery the universe holds and use it for good.

May you embody the light being you truly are.

Love and light shines bright. So it is. 


#liberty #freedom #sovereignty #peace #love #divinity #divinefemininerising #soulconscious #awakenedsoul

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We Only Have Time to Love

The World is round

Mother Earth is our guide and our teacher.

Here’s just one lesson. she gives us.. We are not separate and nor are we meant to be.  If you draw a line all the way around the Earth in any direction we have a circle. In a circle there is no top or bottom except for what we have labelled. 

WE have created lines that don’t really need to exist between countries. We have created divisions and we have accepted hierarchy. We have accepted the rules to divide us and we have accepted the information we have been fed for generations, hundreds of years, thousands. Everything designed to keep people in “their place” so others have power. Divide and conquer, manipulate and control.

As humans we have consciousness to decide how we want our life and our world to be. 

I’d like mine filled with curiosity, love, learning, diversity, stories and adventure and so much more. An open world which we all share peacefully and respectfully. 

There is no top or bottom. The sphere is round, it’s only what we have labelled it.

We have so little time, is it worth wasting it on anything other than love and compassion for ourselves and life?

With love




#reiki #reikimaster #universaltruth

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The Mother Wound

“The mother wound is deep.” What does this mean to you?

During a meditation in February 2020 this phrase came to me over and over again. This is a wound that needs healing for so many of us.

The more I think about this phrase the more I think about the many ways it’s true.

It could be our own experience of motherhood. It could be the decision we make not to mother. It could be the relationship with our mother or even our parents relationship with their mothers.

There are so many aspects of the mother wound that have implications on us and our daily lives yet to think about them and how deep and complex they may be takes time and patience and compassion to ourselves and others.

The first solution is to learn to mother ourselves and honour who we are as women. How we mother ourselves, our animals, children, how we create with art, words, with food for example, by celebrating what we create and ourselves we begin to honour the Mother archetype.

The second thing we can do is be grateful for the planet we have. The wound to Mother Earth is deep, we need to recognise this and we need to connect back to the ancient mother.  We have strayed so far from simplicity and the beauty and natural resources she has for us.

Acknowledge where the mother wound is right now in your life and start to do what is need to heal the wounds.


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What is a Women’s Circle

Women's Circle Essex

I have been holding space on and off for women for over seven years. I believe every woman can benefit from the connection and sisterhood that comes with them.

Women’s Circles were for a long time a huge tradition, they still are in some form across different cultures.

There is a lot to RE-learn about the traditions of women’s circles and why they’re important to our communities and to women’s overall wellbeing and there is also a lot behind why they phased out, which is why the healing is important as we find our way back to ourselves and each other without fear.

Women need to RE-member the importance of Sisterhood and the gathering of women holds so much potential to heal, women as a collective, our community, our world. 

A Women’s Circle or Red Tent is time for you, to reconnect to yourself and your sisters. To reconnect to our divine feminine power. 

A women’s circle brings us back to our roots. connecting us to ancient traditions and vital knowledge we’ve lost, our true nature. Together we find our way back to ourselves through rituals and sharing of our energy.

Holding space for women is an honour.  Each circle will have a slightly different theme although the format remains fundamentally the same.  When I hold space the room will be, cleansed and protected and filled with energy that is pure love and of the highest intended frequency. All aspects of the circle are optional, you can just come and soak in our collective energy.  Come whether you feel you need or it or whether you wish to support other women, your energy is always welcome no matter where you’re at. 

You can bring crystals, photos of loved ones to place on the altar or anything else you wish to be infused with the energy in the room we create. 

If you know someone that would benefit from our circle please invite them they will be made to feel very welcome. I know it can be a bit nerve wracking coming to something not knowing what to expect and we’ve all been there. It’s worth it.