Thank you for considering Baby Massage, whether you learn with me or someone else it’s such a wonderful skill to learn and share with your baby. You will BOTH experience benefits, it’s simple but beautiful and powerful.
Touch is proven to help babies and children thrive, it can reduce the chances of infections and respiratory issues, it can improve weight gain, help babies sleep better, soothe digestive problems AND help them develop, physically, emotionally and cognitively. This is all GREAT STUFF for you to learn and feel like you have something you can rely on to help you settle and soothe your baby.
Anything that helps us is great right?!
The benefits extend to mums, not just because your baby’s sleep might improve, because of the endorphins released or the bonding that takes place during massage…
This time is for you too!
Tired mums don’t need to worry about missing anything as I recap each week and reinforce what you’re learning, it’s a relaxed and lighthearted space, where we can enjoy each others company. Mums need a little nurturing too and there’s always vital time to connect and embrace the Mothers Supporting Mothers vibe. Sometimes we cover a topic, other times we just go with the flow….
AND all mums in my classes are welcome to join the uplifting FB community Mothers Supporting Mothers! It’s a virtual safe space (JUDGEY FOLK NOT WELCOME) full of mums helping each other out, giving a laugh or a lift when we need it. There are also in person get togethers arranged and it’s a great way to connect and get to know like minded women.
Let’s face it motherhood is a journey we can’t really prepare for, yet when you’re in it we need others going through the same as us around. We all learn together, share ideas and survival techniques! It’s important for your wellbeing to have support in whatever way you can get it and this is a slice of that support…
Baby Massage Specifics:
– Venue is in my home. Highlands Estate, Leigh on Sea, Essex
– Start time Tuesday 10am – 11:30
– Handouts will be provided of the Baby Massage techniques
– We will recap each week on what we’ve learnt the week before
– The course includes time for mum to connect with other mums in a relaxed informal way
– Refreshment will be provided for mum after the massage
– Please bring a drink for your baby for after the massage and a clean nappy
– Clean towels will be provided for you each week
– The cost of the course is £60 and includes a free bottle of MamaBabyBliss organic and completely natural Hugs massage oil.
– I will share even more of the benefits of Baby Massage during the course
– Suitable from birth to crawling (recommend minimum age is 4 weeks for benefit of mum)
– You will also be invited to join the private FB community Mothers Supporting Mothers.
Payment is required to secure your place and there are a limited number of spaces to keep the class relaxed and informal.
Thank you for your interest in booking a place on this Baby Massage course. To confirm your space please complete the following:
Baby’s Name
Baby’s estimated due date or birth date
Contact Number
Email Address
<<Payment link>>